What About Cancer?
Cancer? Both my parents died of it, so I'm doing research.
We ALL have abnormal cells known as cancer cells, inside of us. Our bodies ideally destroy them.
What determines if we feed or starve those cancer cells?
In 4 ways, we can starve the cancer cells.
1. Eating a plant-based, animal free diet.
2. Stress management
3. Avoiding toxins
4. Exercise
The risk of getting cancer is 1 in 2.
100 million people die of cancer each decade.
70% of all cancer deaths could be prevented by a simple change in lifestyle.
Global comparisons make this obvious.
For example, in the 80's the Japanese had among the lowest rates of colorectal cancer. Then they adopted a Western diet. 25 years later in 2005, they had the highest rate of colorectal cancer in the world.
Fat cells are the most inflammatory cells. Being overweight creates chronic inflammation, creating the conditions for tumors.
The USA spends $3 trillion on health care/ year, $9225/ person
3% of that is spent on prevention, $273/ person
Cigarette companies own the biggest food companies.
RJ Reynolds owns Nabisco.
Philip Morris owns General Foods and Kraft Foods.
50 Million lobbying dollars are spent each year to pay off politicians.
These companies engineer and sell the primary producers of chemical, sugar and artificial ingredients laden toxic processed foods that have additives that addict consumers without them knowing about it.
They exploit our biology to create toxic food addictions.
Hospitals serve unhealthy foods to patients. One person was served a sloppy joy after colon cancer surgery that removed 1/3 of his large intestine.
1/3 of cancers have insulin receptors that are fed by and grow from sugar.
1000s of plants' phyto-chemicals fight cancer. About 50% of cancer drugs are isolated originally from plants.
When we eat plants, we put those disease fighting compounds into our bodies.
Ginger and tumeric have the most potent plant based anti inflammatories found in nature.
Pam spray is made of butane and propane, lighter fluid.
Every part of health and illness is commercialized in the USA.
As we pop pills for illnesses that help symptoms only, our immune system weakens and cancer grows stronger.
Cancer drug companies raise their prices each year. Most cancer drugs do not extend life. Big Pharma is legally protected from competition only in the USA.
Big Pharma spends $230,000,000 on lobbying.
In 1975, cancer care cost $10 billion. In 2020, $157 billion. Big profits.
80,000 industrial chemicals are used in the USA.
ONLY 200 have been tested by the EPA for safety. Consumers assume that all have been tested and that government agencies are protecting us. NOT TRUE.
We are the guinea pigs.
There is no government mandated premarket safety approval for products. Companies can choose to test their own products for safety but are not required to report their findings to the government or any public body.
Our systems are riddled with conflicts of interest. The fox is running the chicken coop.
In Europe, 1100 ingredients are banned due to their toxicity.
Only 11 ingredients in the USA have been banned.
The cosmetics industry decides for itself if ingredients are toxic. That's why formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, is permitted to be used.
When "fragrance" is listed among the ingredients, carcinogens are in it.
Stress is the most intangible of the cancer causes.
It eats our immune system. Chronic stress negatively impacts the severity of all diseases. Elevations of stress hormones create an environment that promotes tumor growth.
Connection with other human beings and seeking meaning both diminish our stress.
Dairy - Milk and other dairy products are the top source of saturated fat in the American diet, contributing to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. Studies have also linked dairy to an increased risk of breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers.
Source: on Netflix, "The C Word" & the Physicians for Responsible Medicine