Animal Agriculture is a World Destroyer

Fast Facts:

Genuine environmentalists never eat animals, eggs or dairy.

cow portrait.jpg

For a year:

To feed a person on a plant based vegan diet requires 1/6 of an acre of land.

To feed a vegetarian that eats eggs and dairy requires 3 times that amount of land.

To feed an average American omnivore requires 8 times the land.

On 1.5 acres of land, 37,000 pounds of vegetables can be produced, but only 375 pounds of meat.

Compared with an omnivore, vegan diets produce half as much CO2, use 1/11th the fossil fuels, 1/13th the amount of water, & 1/18th the land.

Each day, vegans save 1100 gallons of water, 45 pounds of grain, 30 square feet of forest, 10 pounds of carbon dioxide, and an animal’s precious beautiful life.

Humans have 70 billion farm animals.

Each day, humans eat 21 billion pounds of food. Farm animals eat 135 billion pounds of food.

Each day, humans drink 5.2 billion gallons of water. Farm animals drink 45 billion gallons of water.

One billion people are undernourished and starving.

We can produce 15 times more protein from plant based sources than meat on any given area of land.

Every SECOND, 16,000 pounds of farm animal excrement is produced in the USA .

Per year, that animal excrement would cover every square foot of these places:

New York City, San Francisco, Tokyo, Costa Rica, Paris, New Delhi, Berlin, Hong Kong, Denmark, Delaware, London, and Bali COMBINED.


A .25 pound burger requires 660 gallons of water to produce.

The average American eats 209 pounds of cow flesh each year.

Half of the USA’s land is used for animal agriculture.

1,100 Activists were murdered by the cattle industry for their fight against animal agriculture’s destruction of the Amazon Rainforest in the last 20 years.

In terms of land usage, grass fed cows use 30% more land than factory farmed grain fed cows.

Each day, cow eats 150 pounds of food and 40 gallons of water.

ALL dairy cows are eventually murdered so their flesh can be eaten by carnivores.

1000 gallons of water are needed to produce 1 gallon of milk.

The anti-Constitutional current Food Disparagement Law states that if you cause a disruption in the profits of the animal industry, you are violating the Patriot Act.


Fishless oceans will exist by 2048 because of our abuse.

28 BILLION animals are killed in the ocean each year.

Massive fishnets murder 5 pounds of untargeted animals like sharks, seabirds, turtles and dolphins for every 1 pound of fish killed.

Fish remain the leading source of many toxic pollutants.


All chickens that produce eggs get murdered because humans insist on eating their flesh.

Source: The documentary Cowspiracy that can be seen on Netflix.

I have been vegan for 6 years & supplement with B12 & D only. My cholesterol is a superb 149, & I take no medications. I eat daily 1/2 cup of nuts & seeds, 1.5 cups of legumes, 1/2 cup of berries, 3 fruits, 1 cup of greens, 3 vegetables, a big spoon of flaxseed & 5 cups of green tea. Try eating only plants for 2 weeks. You will feel so good that you will not want to return to consuming unhealthy foods.


Our bodies gut bacteria turns choline into the toxic byproduct and cardiotoxicant TMAO—trimethylamine oxide—which is then absorbed back into our system within only one hour of consumption. The more eggs we eat, the higher the choline and TMAO levels we have, and the higher the risk we may have for heart disease. Choline, as well as carnitine in red meat, can be turned into TMAO, which is associated with inflammation and a significantly higher risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke, or death within a three-year period. (Source, Nutrition Facts. org )

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